
Lin-gang Special Area launches ICV innovation zone

en.lingang.gov.cn| Updated: Jun 9, 2023 L M S


The Lin-gang Special Area Administration holds a launch event for the intelligent connected vehicle innovation zone on June 8. [Photo/WeChat ID: shlgguanweihui]

The Lin-gang Special Area Administration held the launch event for its intelligent connected vehicle innovation zone on June 8.

During the event, they unveiled the zone's overall construction plan, aiming to establish Lin-gang as China's first national ICV innovation zone by 2025. The plan focuses on intelligent driving, data intelligence, smart manufacturing, smart city development, and smart standards.

Additionally, they released new guidelines for the vehicle-road cooperative system as well as new implementation rules for promoting innovation in autonomous ICVs.

The event witnessed the issuance of the first batch of road testing licenses to companies such as Utopilot and TuSimple, while Lin-gang Public Transport and Lin-gang Rail Transit obtained licenses for intelligent connected bus operations.

Furthermore, the ICV innovation application scenarios and standard system technology reward list was also unveiled at the event, highlighting key areas such as intelligent heavy-duty trucks and smart public transport.

The establishment of the ICV innovation alliance, comprising 20 founding members, was also announced at the event. Additionally, a cooperation agreement was signed between Lin-gang and the Suzhou municipal government for the development of the Yangtze River Delta intelligent vehicle network.


An ICV innovation alliance is set up in Lin-gang Special Area on June 8. [Photo/WeChat ID: shlgguanweihui]


Suzhou municipal government and Lin-gang Special Area ink a cooperation agreement on June 8. [Photo/WeChat ID: shlgguanweihui]
